- Start, 9am at Maubec Quay and Durand Quay
- 8500 places
Start 1 Maubec Quay (1st loop): Seniors, Master 0 and 1 Men and Women, Handisports and Companies Challenge, divided in 4 locks.
Départ 2 Quai Louis Durand (1ère boucle): Master 2 à 10 Hommes et Femmes et Duo, répartis sur 4 sas
View the 2025 bonus grid here
9 refreshment points, liquid and solid, at km 4.5, 9.5, 14.5, 19.5, 25, 30.5, 35, 40.5 and on the finish area.
Vous retrouverez sur les ravitaillements de l’eau (gobelet en carton et bouteille de 0.5cL) et les boissons énergisantes. Ainsi que des bananes, oranges, pain d’épices, …
Medal, wind-jacket and basket of oysters.
2 pacemakers for each timing, one on each start
Red flame 3h, Purple flame 3h15, Blue flame 3h30, Yellow flame 3h45, Green flame 4hGrey flame 4h15, Pink flame 4h30
Waste recovery
34 waste recovery points are set every kilometer -- they were made by local companies out of fishing net.
Le parcours du Marathon est conçu en deux boucles, il permet de concentrer les spectateurs, et donc d’assurer une ambiance animée et des encouragements constants ! Rapide grâce au terrain quasiment plat et au double-départ séparant les coureurs en deux groupes au départ (regroupement à 610 m.), il est propice aux records. Des animations rythment la course : 16 orchestres sont installés sur le parcours (tous les 2 km).
An ideal course to beat your record!
Free tribune for spectators, with 500 seats, located on the finish area (St Jean d'Acre car park).
Medical center
A marquee where you will find podiatrists, physiotherapists, Red Cross rescue workers and a medical team (emergency doctors and nurses).
A cloakroom truck is available at the end of departures 1 and 2. The belongings will be collected from the cloakroom Tivoli located at the exit of the finish area. Runners who have abandoned will have to go to the same tivoli where they will be given a souvenir gift.
Free showers at the "Camping du Soleil" campsite (fast access by the boat bus, free for runners on Sunday).
Meeting points
At the finish area exit, «rue de La Monnaie» street, columns bearing the names of the islands Ré, Oléron and Aix, will help runners find their family and friends.
The Marathon consists of two circuits of the course, which ensures a lively crowded atmosphere and constant cheering! The flat terrain, combined with two starting lines (which allow the runners to come together after 610m), facilitates record times. Every 2km, music will accompany the race with one of our 12 bands.
An ideal course to beat your record!
Free tribune for spectators, with 500 seats, located on the finish area (St Jean d'Acre car park).
A marquee where you will find podiatrists, physiotherapists, Red Cross rescue workers and a medical team (emergency doctors and nurses).
Un camion vestiaire est mis à disposition au bout du départ 1 et 2. Les affaires seront à récupérer au Tivoli vestiaire situé à la sortie de la zone d’arrivée. Les coureurs ayant abandonné devront rejoindre ce même tivoli où un cadeau souvenir leur sera remis.
Free showers at the "Camping du Soleil" campsite (fast access by the boat bus, free for runners on Sunday).
At the finish area exit, «rue de La Monnaie» street, columns bearing the names of the islands Ré, Oléron and Aix, will help runners find their family and friends.
THE high-performance associative marathon
Une structure Associative accompagnée de 1300 bénévoles sur le week end de l’évènement
Pas d’augmentation du tarif d’inscription depuis 3 ans !! (1er tarif 58€ et 2ème tarif 68€)

2ème Marathon français le plus performant :
Le Marathon de La Rochelle Serge Vigot a 3 labels internationaux : WORLD ATHLETIC, LABEL OR et AIMS

International runners
26 nationalities represented

La Rochelle Serge Vigot Marathon is qualifying for Wanda age group World championships. More information on
It has to be put on the chest, readable and not folded.
For safety reasons, it is not possible to accompany a registered runner on the race route.
For safety reasons, you can run with one headphone only.
Yes, its use is allowed.
There's a time limit to run the whole race, which is five hours and thirty minutes. Beyond this time limit, security will not be provided any longer, and contestants will be disqualified. A check point will be set at the 30. kilometre mark, where the time limit. for runners is four hours.
You can reach your starting zone if you walk along the adjacent streets to the departure area. A map will help you -- it is available on our website early November, or at Marathon Village. Don’t hesitate to ask volunteers on the departure area, they will guide you.
On Friday November 24, or Saturday November 25, once you've picked up number, you can go to the Marathon Village secretariat, where the organizers will change your starting zone for you.
The chip on your race number enables to record your time every 5 km. It is possible to follow your race by entering your name in a live-viewing facility, straight onto our website or via the free app Imagina. You will be able to access it 1 week before the race on our website.