marathon Éco-responsable
The La Rochelle Marathon Serge Vigot is committed to an eco-responsible event. In conviviality and together let's take this step to heart.
Two axes: Transport and product management

In collaboration with the Shifters
General interest association which brings together volunteers committed to the low-carbon transition of France and Europe.
With what impact?
With 15,000 registered for all races and 25,000 accompanying people, choosing your mode of travel makes sense, that’s more than 3/4 of our marathon runner’s footprint.
An ambitious project that requires everyone’s mobilization!

Cups and city water
Des gobelets recyclables et compostables à domicile sont proposés sur tous les ravitaillements. Le gobelet carton sans film plastique Earth Cup® est une innovation française fabriquée dans les Deux-Sèvres par CEE Schisler Packaging Solutions ( Afin de réduire les bouteilles plastiques nous utilisons le réseau d’eau de la ville.
A dedicated volunteers team
The team ensures that runners respect recycling instructions at refreshment points, or during the pasta party, and raises environmental awareness during the weekend.
Race number bags
The race number bags are made out of 100% recycled paper. And we didn't stuff them with advertising fliers!
Dry toilets
24 dry toilet cabins along the route, every kilometer.
Dematerialized number pick-up
No need to print the race number voucher, we can check it directly on your smartphone. Less paper, less waste!
Waste recovery
34 waste recovery points are set every kilometer -- they were made by local companies out of fishing net.
Collect of used shoes
A big bin is placed all week-end at the Village Marathon entry (Espace Encan, Quai Louis Prunier). Put your old sport shoes down, they will be distributed to people in need by charity "Entraides et Solidarités Rochelaises"
The team ensures that runners respect recycling instructions at refreshment points, or during the pasta party, and raises environmental awareness during the weekend.
The race number bags are made out of 100% recycled paper. And we didn't stuff them with advertising fliers!
24 dry toilet cabins along the route, every kilometer.
No need to print the race number voucher, we can check directly on smartphone. Less paper, less waste !
34 zones de récupération déchets, conçues avec des entreprises locales en filet de pêche, installées à intervalle d’1km.
A big bin will wait for your old sports shoes all weekend long at the Marathon Village entry (Espace Encan, Quai Louis Prunier). Just throw in your sneakers: they will later be distributed by a charity to people in need ("Entraides et Solidarités Rochelaises")
Partner of the La Rochelle Serge Vigot Marathon since 2018, the Biotop company, with the help of our volunteers, recovers and recycles the various materials recovered over the weekend: cardboard, textiles, plastics (3 categories: films, bottles, cups), corks, food waste (banana and orange peels, leftovers from volunteer meals and pasta parties). Every year we work to reduce waste at source.

The La Rochelle Marathon Association has signed the "charter for eco-responsible La Rochelle events" set up by the city of La Rochelle. It is committed to implementing various actions included in this charter, and is currently at level 3 (out of 4).