
Since 1991, the association has organized La Rochelle Marathon, which claims itself "Popular, Friendly and Festive", 3 essential values handed down by the founder and 1st president, Serge Vigot



In 1991, a team of running lovers and athletics clubs managers, led by Jacques Bouyat, a social and cultural worker, decided to organize a Marathon at La Rochelle. The La Rochelle Marathon association is created, and Serge Vigot became its president.
During more than 10 years, Serge Vigot represented the association. In 2005, he died during the Marrakech Marathon. It was hard for the association, but members decided to continue despite everything and to pay tribute to their first president by adding his name to the event.
Today, the event is still running by the association, and claims the driving force of collective commitment : 59 members, 2 employees and 1300 volunteers during the week-end enable to ensure the success of the event, which takes place on the last week-end of november.

The association

BABINOT Lysiane, BATAILLEY Philippe, BEAUMONT Christian, BERGE Christine, BERGE Gérald, BERTHELOT Sylvie, BOISSON Jean-Claude, BRAULT Daniel, CAQUINEAU Jean-Paul, CHIRON Christine, COELHO Paulo, DROY Laurent, DURIVAULT Marlène, EPINOUX Fabian, FAJOUX Pierre, FERRANT Michel, FLAUDER Guy, FOUCHER Philippe, FOUCHIER Christian, FROMENTEAU Yvette, GAUTRET-DANIAULT Jean-Paul, GEFFARD Jean, GEFFRE Sylvie, GRAVAT Daniel, GRAVAT Martine, GRIFFON Yves, HENAFF Marie, HENAFF Dominique, HUBERT  Raymond, JOGUET Cécilia, LACRAMPE Mireille, LALANNE Jean-Claude, LE GARREC Jacques, LETANG Jacky, LHOMME Jean-Claude, MARTINEZ Sara, MAHIER Frédéric, MEMPONTE Christian, MILLET Maurice, PALAZO Alain, PAULIAT René, PETROWISTE Romuald, PRINZIVALLI Ernest, QUINT Daniel, QUINT Nadine, REGNAULT Danièle, ROBERT Michel, ROUGE Dominique, ROUGE Véronique, ROUMAGNAC Jean-Luc, SALZARD Claude, SAUBESTY Jean-Pierre, SAUBESTY Liliane, SAUVAGET Gérard, SCHEPENS France, SEIGNEURIN Yves, SELIER Rémi, SHAW Jean-Luc, SUTRE Albert, TOLEDANO Christine, TOLEDANO Jean-Philippe, TOUCHARD Emmanuel, VINET Vincent

Its President : Dominique ROUGÉ
vice-president : Sylvie GEFFRÉ
Trésorière : Martine GRAVAT
Secretary : Yves SEIGNEURIN
Vice-secretary : Emmanuel TOUCHARD
Members : Jean-Claude LALANNE, René PAULIAT, Danièle REGNAULT, Christine TOLEDANO, Michel ROBERT, Ernest PRINZIVALLI
President of honor : Jean-Claude BOISSON 

Development manager : Nicolas MAUNY
Administrative assistant : Téa SAVARIAU
Alternant BTS : Nathan THEBAUD