15 €

Includes regsitration (and registration for a guide for blind and semi-blind athletes) + pasta party + saturday night accomodation + same rewards as Marathon runners
Registration form


Free registration

The registration is free for job seekers who received a monthly employment center compensation of € 1,000 maximum. < €1,200) or RSA recipients. Please attach proof to your form stating the amount of the daily allowance.
Registration form

Minimum age
Registration for disabled sports races is open to people born in 2006 or before. 

Cancellation insurance (optional)
7 € : only in case of medical or family issue, provided that runner send a written proof

Supporting documents
– LICENCIÉ(E) F.F.H. : Je joins une copie de ma licence 2024/2025, qui sera automatiquement mise à jour lors du renouvellement de ma licence pour la saison 2025/2026. Si je ne renouvelle pas ma licence, je joins un parcours de prévention santé (PPS), datant de moins de 3 mois au 30/11/2025, à réaliser à partir du 31/08/2025 sur le site
– NON LICENCIÉ(E) F.F.H. : je joins un parcours de prévention santé (PPS), datant de moins de 3 mois au 30/11/2025, à réaliser à partir du 31/08/2025 sur le site
Transmission of the PPS or license in the “My file” tab


Number pick-up takes place at Marathon Village (Espace Encan), Friday, November 28 from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. (secretariat stand) and Saturday, November 29 from 9 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. (handisport stand). Important : numbers can not be given on Sunday morning or sent by mail.

You have to show your NUMBER VOUCHER (to download on our website in mid-November) and a PROOF OF IDENTITY or its copy. Someone can collect your number instead of you, if he/she presents the documents listed above.


Le retrait dossard se déroule au Village Marathon situé à l’Espace Encan,
VENDREDI 28 NOVEMBRE de 15h à 20h (stand secrétariat)
SAMEDI 29 NOVEMBRE de 9h à 20h30 (stand handisport)
Important : numbers can not be given on Sunday morning or sent by mail.

You have to show your :
(to download on our website in november) and a 
PROOF OF IDENTITY or its copy.
Someone can collect your number instead of you, if he/she presents the documents listed above.


A number can be given to someone else, up to one month before the race. Runners must inform the organization about the change, so we can modify the runner file. Anyone who gives or sells their number to another person without informing the organization will be hold responsible in case of any accident during the race.

The number refund is possible only due to family or medical reasons, if runner have suscribed to cancellation insurance, and if he/she send us written proof.

Si vous souhaitez modifier votre dossier (information erronée), envoyez-nous un mail : et nous effectuerons les changements.

Le PPS (ou licence FFA) est obligatoire. Vous devez vous inscrire sans le PPS, et nous le fournir dans un second temps à partir du 31/08/2025, au plus tard le mercredi 26 novembre 2025. Vous pouvez l’ajouter en ligne dans la rubrique « mon dossier » ou nous l’envoyer par mail :